This image shows four university students who are participating in Psyche capstones discussing their projects inside the meteorite vault at Arizona State University's Center for Meteorite Studies.

Capstone Projects

Capstone courses are culminating, project-based courses undertaken by university students in the final (senior) year of university.

A strength of capstone courses is that they involve students in applying their knowledge and skills to real-world projects. The Psyche mission is developing Psyche-focused projects for capstone courses across a range of disciplines. Watch the video below to learn more about the opportunities the Psyche Mission’s capstone projects have to offer.

Capstone Projects

During the 2023-2024 academic year, Psyche capstone partnered with colleges and universities across the country, including Arizona State University (ASU), Michigan State University (MSU), Oregon State University (OSU), Pennsylvania State University – Behrend (Penn State – Behrend), Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RHIT), University of Arkansas (U Ark), University of California – Irvine (UCI), University of Georgia (UGA), University of Texas – Tyler (UTT), and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).

Psyche capstone projects are available for teams at colleges and universities across the country. Interested in joining us? Submit your interest via the form below!

Tungsten Class (2023-2024)

Tungsten Class capstone projects
Tungsten Class participants and universities

Silver Class (2022-2023)

Silver Class capstone projects
Silver Class participants and universities

copper Class (2021-2022)

Copper Class capstone projects
Copper Class participants and universities

Nickel Class (2020-2021)

Nickel Class capstone projects
Nickel Class participants and universities

Cobalt Class (2019-2020)

Cobalt Class capstone projects
Cobalt Class participants and universities

Iron Class (2018-2019)

Iron Class capstone projects
Iron Class participants and universities

Titanium Class (2017-2018)

Titanium Class capstone projects
Titanium Class participants

Psyche Capstone Resources

Read about our approach to interdisciplinary capstone projects:

Baby Steps or Giant Leaps: Models and Means for Promoting Interdisciplinary and Inter-University Opportunities in Your Capstone (Capstone Design Conference virtual workshop, July 21, 2021)

Coordinating Opportunistic Interdisciplinary Projects Across Single- Discipline Capstone Courses (International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 35, No. 6[B], pp. 1983–1992, 2019)

Two Universities, Two Disciplines, One Project: Perspectives of a Project Manager and an Engineer (Psyche blog, July 31, 2019)

Preparing Students to Work in Diverse Settings and Across Distance: Inter-University, Interdisciplinary Capstone Teams (Undergraduate Research Programs Conference, June 2019)

Coordinating Opportunistic Interdisciplinary Projects Across Single-Discipline Capstone Courses (Capstone Design Conference, June 2018)

Future Capstone Projects

Additional Psyche-focused capstone projects that may be undertaken by any interested university capstone course are in development. If you are a university capstone course instructor or administrator (or future capstone student) and would like more information, please fill out our interest form:

    Current Student Collaborations Participants

    View a list of the students, faculty, staff, and mentors involved in Psyche Student Collaborations.


    Student Collaborations Participants