March 29, 2021
A spacecraft’s journey doesn’t begin on the launchpad. Our Psyche spacecraft will explore an asteroid, but first we have to finish building it. Psyche has arrived at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,...
July 7, 2020
Meet the team designing and building the Psyche mission’s gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer. This instrument on the spacecraft will detect, measure, and map Psyche’s elemental composition....
January 26, 2020
Join NASA Psyche Mission Co-Investigator Dr. Tim McCoy as he takes us on a journey from his first geology class to his current role as Curator-in-Charge of the US National Meteorite Collection...
January 25, 2020
While the spacecraft and instruments of the NASA Psyche Mission are being designed and built in preparation for launch to the Psyche asteroid in 2022, the mission management team at Arizona State...
December 31, 2019
Do you know what the engineering process is and how it is used? Watch this video to learn how scientist and engineers tackle real world problems and come up with new innovate solutions. Downloadable...
Watch this video to learn about the engineering process and see how it is implemented in real life with the NASA Psyche Mission! Downloadable video options
November 12, 2019
Wonder what it’s like to be a part of a capstone project for a NASA mission? The NASA Psyche Mission offers capstone projects to undergraduate students at universities across the country! Check...
September 5, 2019
One of the first steps in understanding the geology of Psyche is for the Psyche science team to find out more about collisions and crater formation on metallic asteroids. Join Psyche Mission...
April 12, 2018
An overview of the Psyche Inspired program. Directed by: Brooke Owen Introduction stop motion video by: Nikka Bacalzo Music by: Isaac Wisdom Edited by: Brooke Owen Downloadable video options...
April 3, 2018
Join the Psyche team to explore why this mission was selected for NASA’s Discovery Program, how we’ll get to the asteroid, what we hope to learn from Psyche, and the importance of scientific...
February 24, 2018
Downloadable video options
December 8, 2017