The Scent of Psyche


November 6th, 2023

Major: Psychology

Genre/Medium: Candle Wax, Candle Dye and Scents, Acrylic Paint and Spray, Wire, Pins and Washers

About the work: “The Scent of Psyche” was designed to bring some colors and relaxation into our everyday lives. The candle is the representation of the mission, the spacecraft, and the asteroid. The inside: Inside of the candle, as the Psyche mission is a journey to a metal world, this candle is a journey for our senses. We start with calming vanilla and orange dream slice, going into the signature scent of the season, pumpkin pie. Then we mix the coziness of brownies with refreshing coffee to maximize our experience. The idea of the layers comes from the asteroid’s differentiated layers of materials in its core. Read more…

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Date Added: 11-06-2023
Credit: Alexandra Szabo

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