Psyche Celebration Mood Board

Ally Lewis

April 23rd, 2024

Major: Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering

Genre/Medium: Procreate, Canva, Prints, A Bulletin Board!

About the work: After reflecting on the incredible experiences I had during my time as a Psyche Inspired intern, as well as the success and excitement that the Psyche mission itself experienced this past year throughout launch, I felt compelled to create a work of art that captured the essence of these experiences and accomplishments. I knew that I wanted this final piece to feel like a true celebration, but it took some deep thought and consideration to determine which medium would best convey that feeling–until I happened across some “mood boards” throughout my social media feeds. Mood boards, which can be created virtually, on paper, or with prints, are usually created at the start of the year, the start of a school semester, or even at the beginning of each month when the creator wants to visualize and set good intentions on how they want their future to look. In this project’s case, I wanted the mood board to appear as though the scientists who proposed this mission years ago created it as a visualization, or even a manifestation, for success. Complete with prints from various past projects, including some pieces that never made the cut, as well as the incredible Psyche postcards from fellow Tungsten Class intern Kayla Wardle, the “Psyche Celebration Mood Board” should appear as an explosive celebration on a board–but at one point in time, it would have been a visualization for success for the team members who truly brought this mission to life years ago!

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Date Added: 04-23-2024
Credit: Ally Lewis

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