Inspired in Space

Miranda Unwin

November 15th, 2023

Major: Art

Genre/Medium: 3D Print, Acrylic Paint, Foil, LED Lights, Canvas

About the work: This artwork represents the Psyche spacecraft’s mission to orbit the Psyche asteroid. The twinkling LED lights in the background represent the distant stars in the vastness of space. The Psyche spacecraft is adorned with silver, gold, and copper foil to represent the various instruments onboard the craft that will examine the asteroid. The antenna of the spacecraft are painted in acrylic deep blue, silver, and red paint to represent the wiring of the solar panels of the craft. The Psyche asteroid is painted in red/brown grainy sand to simulate an earthen crust, the surface is also covered in purple, blue, silver, and copper specks to represent the various elements we may find on the surface of the asteroid. The antenna of the Psyche orbiter reflects the same colors as the asteroid to represent a mirror image of the surface of the asteroid.

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Date Added: 11-14-2023
Credit: Miranda Unwin

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