Hooked on Psyche

Becca Holdren

May 31st, 2024

Major: Political Science

Genre/Medium: Ink Pen

About the work: Space travel, and the Psyche mission itself, is something that captivates people, hooks them. “Hooked on Psyche” uses fishing as a metaphor for space exploration. In the piece Earth and Psyche are sitting on a dock fishing together, representative of them exploring the world via Psyche. Psyche, the spacecraft, is cast off into the water, synonymous to Psyche being sent into space, as both space and water are often considered final frontiers. The piece also features stars dotting the water and sky, Psyche the asteroid in the sky, a thin flower border on the dock, Psyche’s hair consisting of solar arrays, and Earth having a flower in her hair. The piece is made with ink pens and drawn on Bristol board.

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Date Added: 05-31-2024
Credit: Becca Holdren

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