Exploring Psyche Coloring Sheet

Ally Lewis

February 28th, 2024

Major: Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering

Genre/Medium: Procreate and Canva

About the work: After an inspiring meeting with speaker Bill Dunford, who has mastered the art of social media, writing, and art itself in the world of the Psyche mission, I feel as though I finally grasped the importance of science and art working hand-in-hand through highly-technical endeavors. Particularly, Bill emphasized the importance of conveying the detailed work of NASA into bite-sized pieces for the general public to understand, enjoy, and become passionate about. As such, creating the “Exploring Psyche Coloring Sheet,” these notions were at the forefront of my mind. The mission of Psyche is truly awe-inspiring, but to those who are not rocket scientists–myself included–sometimes it is easy to get lost in the weeds of numbers, equations, and highly scientific terms that can quickly fizzle excitement. In creating this coloring sheet, I wanted to create a world of Psyche that was approachable to EVERYONE, from the general public reading NASA news feeds to children with crayons. Anyone can approach this design, become excited about this journey to a new world, and, upon coloring their own sheet, they can actually become a part of the mission themselves. At the end of the day, that is truly what this mission is about: exploring new worlds as a mission not solely for scientists, but for humankind. So, while these designs may seem simplistic or cartoonish, they represent something bigger than the mission itself–a collective whole supporting the exploration of the universe.

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Date Added: 02-28-2024
Credit: Ally Lewis

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