Evolution of Psyche

Kayla Wardle

March 21st, 2024

Major: Biochemistry

Genre/Medium: Digital Art

About the work: “Evolution of Psyche” is a multi-part digital art piece designed to honor and celebrate each phase of the mission to Psyche. The piece features six postcard sized double sided prints. Each card represents one of the six phases of the mission and as a whole, they convey the timeline and evolution of the mission to Psyche.

Each print serves as a visual narrative, encapsulating the essence and significance of its corresponding mission phase. Different art styles and illustration designs were used to represent the unique aspects and significance of each phase, while the mission to Psyche official colors served as a common thread to tie the pieces together. The illustration on the front of each postcard presents a vibrant and dynamic representation of the specific phase, while the reverse side offers insightful details, technical milestones, and anecdotes related to that stage of the mission.

The cards were designed to be double sided prints that could serve a similar purpose as a flier or business card. The goal of the design is to provide a quick way to teach the public about different aspects of the mission and, at the same time, invite them to learn more.

“Evolution of Psyche” not only serves as an aesthetic art piece, but also as an educational tool, inviting viewers to appreciate and learn about the work that went into each mission phase. This artistic project aims to spark curiosity, appreciation, and insight about the incredible journey that is NASA’s mission to Psyche.

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Date Added: 03-21-2024
Credit: Kayla Wardle

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