Psyche Mission Roles and Responsibilities
The Psyche Mission Roles and Responsibilities document is meant to explain the intricacies required within the numerous positions involved in the success of the mission. There are many departments that are crucial to the mission, including Communication and Public Outreach, Flight System, Ground Data System, NASA Headquarters Leadership, Launch Vehicle, Mission Assurance, Mission Design, Mission System, Payload, Planetary Mission Program Office, Project Management (JPL), Project System Engineering, Project System Integration & Test, Science, and SSL Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) Chassis.
NASA establishes criteria for each NASA-sponsored payload. Four risk classification levels (A thru D) are defined in the NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR). For example:

This document contains detailed descriptions of the different Psyche mission roles and responsibilities, from Flight System to Public Outreach.
There are many roles and positions involved within the intricacies of the Psyche Mission, a few of which relate to communication and public outreach and are listed below.
Director of Communications: The Director of
Communications is responsible for setting the overall
communications and outreach goals and strategy
Lead Communications Specialist: The Lead
Communications Specialist manages the oversight of all
communications activities and serves as a point-of-contact
for media and public relations representatives and NASA
HQ Office of Communications. The Lead Communications
Specialist also leads the Communications Team meetings
Public Engagement Representative: The Public
Engagement Representative is responsible for day-to-day
coordination of NASA’s outreach activity in support of the
mission. This includes the creation of outreach products such
as exhibits, models, print and online materials and supports
the official Psyche social media accounts.
Media Relations Representative: The Media Relations Representative is responsible for day-to-day coordination of NASA’s media support for the mission. This includes coordination of the development of all news products such
as media releases and related visual products, and is the main
point of contact for responding to media inquiries.
Artist: An Artist collaborates with the Project to develop the
official mission artistic renditions and conceptual pieces.
Website Designer: A Website designer designs, develops
and maintains the mission website according to the needs of
the Project.
Social Media Manager: The NASA Social Media Manager
(SMM) oversees social media marketing campaigns and
day-to-day activities. The NASA SMM can work on multiple
missions. Responsible for the official oversight of all NASA
digital media platforms and ensures proper online presence
protocol is followed by the various account holders.
Interested in learning more about NASA’s Psyche Mission?
The NASA Psyche Mission Innovation Toolkit includes a series of free online courses based on the real-world challenges and skills associated with the Psyche mission’s science, engineering, technology, and teamwork. Click below to learn more: