The Asteroid
Only the 16th asteroid to be discovered, Psyche was found in 1852 by Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis, who named it for the goddess of the soul in ancient Greek mythology.
What gives asteroid Psyche great scientific interest is that it is likely rich in metal. It may consist largely of metal from the core of a planetesimal, one of the building blocks of the Sun’s planetary system. At Psyche scientists will explore, for the first time ever, a world made not of rock or ice, but rich in metal.

How It Was Formed
The asteroid is most likely a survivor of multiple violent hit-and-run collisions, common when the solar system was forming. Thus Psyche may be able to tell us how Earth’s core and the cores of the other terrestrial planets came to be.
Sizing It Up
If Psyche were a perfect sphere, it would have a diameter of 140 miles (226 kilometers), or about the length of the State of Massachusetts (leaving out Cape Cod). It is estimated to have a surface area of about 64,000 square miles or approximately 165,800 square kilometers.
The Orbit
Psyche follows an orbit in the outer part of the main asteroid belt, at an average distance from the Sun of 3 astronomical units (AU); Earth orbits at 1 AU.