Psyche Inspired: Caillyn Jeffery

Institution: Virginia Tech

Major: Creative Technologies

Psyche Inspired Class: 2021-2022

Reflections on Psyche Inspired

Reflections on Project 1: Soul Searching

Soul Searching

Caillyn Jeffery

November 10, 2021

Major: Creative Technologies

Genre/Medium: Digital Illustration

About the work: “Do you want to see inside yourself?” Psyche, both as the Goddess of the soul and the asteroid, asks Earth. Psyche stands before the Psyche asteroid wearing metallic jewelry and clothing. She presents the Psyche spacecraft between her hands as the key to Earth learning more about herself. My artwork interprets Psyche as both the asteroid and the goddess it is named after. I chose to explore the idea of “soul-searching”, both metaphorically through these characters discovering themselves, and literally through the Psyche mission potentially allowing us to learn more about Earth’s core.

From beginning to end, my piece was drawn and composited digitally using Photoshop. Although I originally intended to composite hand-painted elements, I instead used effects within Photoshop to add lighting and texture around the spacecraft and the entire piece. Color choices within the two figures were intended to mimic the asteroid and Earth and to show these characters as not just individuals, but embodiments of the celestial bodies they represent. Additionally, colors for the lighting effects were pulled from the Psyche mission logo.

Reflections on Project 2: Copper Quilt

Copper Quilt

Caillyn Jeffery

January,14 2022

Major: Creative Technologies

Genre/Medium: Fabric, Woodblock print

About the work: This piece represents an exploration of material, method, and meaning. I decided to practice woodblock printmaking on fabric. I became enchanted by the idea that despite the material and method being the same, each individual piece can stand alone as a unique image or can come together to form something beautiful. This represents the many individuals, organizations, and entities that are coming together to make the Psyche mission happen.

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Reflections on Project 3: “What once was, what could’ve been”

“What once was, what could’ve been”

Caillyn Jeffery

March 4, 2022

Major: Creative Technologies

Genre/Medium: Acrylic paint

About the work: This painting explores what one was, and what could have been, of the Psyche asteroid. As the asteroid travels around the sun, different landscapes and textures project from the surface, showing a hint at what the asteroid might have looked like in its planetesimal phase, or what it could have looked like if it formed into a full planet. My piece was painted with a focus on movement, fantasy, and texture. Although acrylic is not my primary medium, it was fun using the material elements of paint to express gestures, textures, and forms in this abstract piece.

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Reflections on Project 4: Psyche Timeline Coloring-Book Zine

Psyche Timeline Coloring-Book Zine

Caillyn Jeffery

May 9, 2022

Major: Creative Technologies

Genre/Medium: Digital Illustration

About the work: This piece, the Psyche Timeline Coloring-Book Zine (downloadable PDF), celebrates the six main phases of the Psyche Mission timeline. Each coloring page visually represents the goals or purpose of the phase, utilizing both abstract and literal forms. However, this piece is only partially finished… the final artwork is created by those engaging with the coloring pages, adding their own color and artistic vision to each! The pages are purposefully left imperfect, with wobbly lines, overlapping lines, and more… this is to enhance the collaborative experience between myself and those who wish to participate in the coloring book. Visual elements are pulled both from information displayed on the Psyche website, as well as my own interpretation of the events and purposes of each phase. Viewers are encouraged to print out the pages and add their own color! These images, if they wish to be shared, can be emailed to

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Psyche Inspired

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Psyche Inspired