Psyche Shirt
Miguel Montañez
Major: interdisciplinary studies
Genre/Medium: digital art, shirts, ink, screens
About the work: I wanted to design and make a stylish Psyche shirt.
Miguel Montañez
Major: interdisciplinary studies
Genre/Medium: digital art, shirts, ink, screens
About the work: I wanted to design and make a stylish Psyche shirt.
Major: interdisciplinary studies
Genre/Medium: embroidery
About the work: A hand embroidered patch for the Psyche Mission in the style of older NASA mission patches.
Major: interdisciplinary studies
Genre/Medium: animation
About the work: This animated loop shows an engineer staying late to work on the Psyche orbiter. She types on a computer, testing the orbiter and turns to see it respond to her.
Major: interdisciplinary studies
Genre/Medium: digital
About the work: This piece was made digitally with only halftones (small dots of color) and only uses the Psyche colors!