Remote Exhibit Interpretive System


Arizona State University (Tempe Campus)


Cobalt Class (2019 – 2020)


Rashed Almulla, Electrical Engineering
Salman Amiri, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering
Ricardo Campa, Computer Systems Engineering
Thomas Duke, Computer Systems Engineering
Carson Minarik, Computer Systems Engineering
Abigail (Abbie) Peters, Engineering Management
William Rizzo, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering


Ric Alling, Planetarium Theater Manager, School of Earth and Space Exploration, ASU
Caralie Cedarleaf, Sculptor, School of Earth and Space Exploration, ASU


Dr. Joe Juarez, Lecturer, School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, ASU
Dr. Michael Kozicki, Professor, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, ASU
Dr. Ryan Meuth, Lecturer, School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, ASU


In support of educating the public about the mission and ASU’s lead role in it, the School of Earth and Space Exploration is building a high-fidelity, full-scale model of the Psyche spacecraft that will hang from the ceiling of the ISTB-4 building. Approximately 10,000 K-12 students visit the building each year, as well as many thousands of other members of the public. To help them learn about the Psyche spacecraft and mission, a remote system is needed that will highlight the important elements of the spacecraft model (such as lighting up a specific instrument) and sharing information about it down below (on something like a tablet or other display device).

This work was created in partial fulfillment of Arizona State University Capstone Courses “EEE 488, CSE 423 & IEE 485”. The work is a result of the Psyche Student Collaborations component of NASA’s Psyche Mission ( “Psyche: A Journey to a Metal World” [Contract number NNM16AA09C] is part of the NASA Discovery Program mission to solar system targets. Trade names and trademarks of ASU and NASA are used in this work for identification only. Their usage does not constitute an official endorsement, either expressed or implied, by Arizona State University or National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ASU or NASA.