Xenon Flow Controller – CSU
Cleveland State University
Arizona State University (Tempe Campus)
Iron Class (2018 – 2019)
Student Team
Abraham Coria, Engineering Management (ASU)
Daniel Jindra, Mechanical Engineering (CSU)
Harnavdeep Kaur, Mechanical Engineering (CSU)
Dan Londrico, Mechanical Engineering (CSU)
Malavika Patel, Mechanical Engineering (CSU)
Adam Wallaart, Electrical Engineering (CSU)
Eric Wonkovich, Mechanical Engineering (CSU)
Scientific & Technical Guidance
Dr. Jason Frieman, NASA Glenn Research Center
Academic Guidance
Michael Gallagher, Assistant Professor of Practice, CSU Mechanical Engineering Department
Dr. Daniel McCarville, Professor of Practice, ASU School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering
Project Description
The goal of this project was to create a design of a xenon flow controller that would adjust the mass flow rate of xenon, as desired by a flight computer, to the thrusters.