Psyche Experience Mobile App – Orbit
Arizona State University (Tempe Campus and Polytechnic Campus)
Iron Class (2018 – 2019)
Student Team
Joshua Lee, Engineering Management
Thor Millsaps, Information Technology
Daniella Ozair, Graphic Design
Kyle Peterson, Graphic Design
Ryan Schenk, Information Technology
Sarah Schnoor, Information Technology
Academic Guidance
Prof. Damien Doheny, Undergraduate Program Chair, Information Technology
Dr. Usha Jagannathan, IT Graduate Program Chair, Information Technology
Dr. Daniel McCarville, Professor of Practice, Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering
Prof. Al Sanft, Associate Professor, Visual Communication Design
Dr. Tatiana Walsh, Faculty Associate, Information Technology
Project Description
ASU, as the lead of the Psyche mission, challenged capstone teams to develop a mobile app to engage the public in the mission in a way that was fun and interactive. To achieve this goal, the Psyche mission team invited six interdisciplinary teams of senior capstone students to compete in the development of a mobile experience (game, interactive, AR, etc.) for Psyche.

Mobile app design