Year on Psyche Simulation – Asteroid Art
Brigham Young University – Idaho (BYU – Idaho)
Iridium Class (2024 – 2025)
Thomas Jamieson, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering Minor
Carter Bosen, Computer Science
Bryer Johnson, Software Engineering, Emphasis in Child Development
Brodie Busby, Software Engineering
John Wursten, Computer Science
Jackson Westover, Computer Science, Emphasis in Machine Learning
Professor William Clements
Our team created a website that has fun trivia about the Psyche asteroid. The website also allows users to draw their own version of the asteroid and compare it to different artist renditions.

Visit the website here
This work was created in partial fulfillment of the Brigham Young University University Capstone Course “CSE 397”. The work is a result of the Psyche Student Collaborations component of NASA’s Psyche Mission ( “Psyche: A Journey to a Metal World” [Contract number NNM16AA09C] is part of the NASA Discovery Program mission to solar system targets. Trade names and trademarks of ASU and NASA are used in this work for identification only. Their usage does not constitute an official endorsement, either expressed or implied, by Arizona State University or National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ASU or NASA.