Iron Meteorite Database
Arizona State University (Polytechnic Campus)
Iron Class (2018 – 2019)
Student Team
Kenneth Bonilla, Software Engineering
Hajar Boughoula, Software Engineering
Michael Falgien, Software Engineering
Joshua Johnson, Software Engineering
Troy Mullins, Software Engineering
Scientific & Technical Guidance
Dr. Devin Schrader, Assistant Research Professor, ASU Center for Meteorite Studies
Academic Guidance
Douglas Sandy, Lecturer, ASU Engineering Academic and Student Affairs
Project Description
To prepare for arrival at Psyche, scientists sought out the development of an easily accessible database of the major, minor, and trace element composition of iron meteorites. Current data is buried in a variety of scientific publications.
This project entailed the development of coding that could find, recognize, and collect the appropriate data from many different sources and deposit it into a database, creating an application that allows scientists to easily search on multiple parameters and export data into standard scientific plots.