Psyche Inspired: Anne Norenberg

This is a portrait of Psyche Inspired member Anne Norenberg

Anne Norenberg (Photo Credit: Abigail Weibel)

Institution: Arizona State University

Major: Digital Culture (Design)

Psyche Inspired Class: 2017-2018

This image shows a frame of the Eye of Psyche video. In this frame, the Psyche spacecraft is approaching the Psyche asteroid, which is superimposed over a clock.

Eye of Psyche

Anne Norenberg

July 17, 2018

Major: digital culture (design)

Genre/Medium: short film

About the work: Looping video created in Adobe After Effects to take the viewer on a journey through the Eye Of Psyche. I used MaxMSP to display projections with help of David Tineapple.

Watch the film

This image shows the Psyche pop-up book upright, showing all the pages.

Psyche Pop-Up Book

Nikka Bacalzo and Anne Norenberg

March 23, 2018

Major: graphic design (Nikka); digital culture (Anne)

Genre/Medium: paper art and graphics

About the work: This informative book was a collaboration between Nikka Bacalzo and Annie Norenberg. Annie designed the pages of the book and Nikka elevated the pictures with foam core as well as added the pull-tabs and pop-ups with cardstock, cut with an X-Acto. The book outlines a little history of Psyche, its instruments, the launch date and the purpose of the mission. Dimensions are ~8″ x 7″. View all the pages.

View the full image

This work is in the format of an eye chart. The words are biggest on top and then get progressively smaller. The words are: Psyche, Metal World, Iron Core, Dense, Protoplanetary Core, Journey to a Metal Word, Multispectral Imager, Gamma Ray and Neutron Spectrometer, Magnetometer, and Deep Space Optical Communication.

Psyche Eye Chart

Anne Norenberg

February 20, 2018

Major: digital culture (design)

Genre/Medium: digital illustration

About the work: This work was inspired by Luke Dubois’ Hindsight is Always 20/20 project. I made a Psyche Stylized Snellen eye chart, which helps determine a patient’s eyesight from the ability to measure the distance from the chart while reading the letters. I also took words that were important to the Psyche mission and included them as the lines on the eye chart.

Download the full PDF.

This work is in the format of a movie poster, with the title: Coming in 2022: Psyche Mission. There is a large question mark made of flames above the artist's conception of the asteroid, which forms the base of the question mark.

Coming in 2022: Psyche Mission

Anne Norenberg

December 21, 2017

Major: digital culture (design)

Genre/Medium: illustration in Photoshop

About the work: For this project I created a Psyche Mission movie poster to highlight the curiosity of the mission. I created flames depicting a question mark with the Psyche asteroid as the period of the question mark to show the mystery and endpoint of the mission.

View the full image

This image shows a small 3D model of the Psyche spacecraft that was printed in black PLA plastic. It is approximately 18 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 2 inches high.

Psyche Spacecraft 3D Model

Anne Norenberg

December 6, 2017

Major: digital culture (design)

Genre/Medium: 3D design and printing

About the work: For my first Project, I created a 3D model and 3D-printed model of the Psyche spacecraft using AutoDesk Fusion 360. I constructed the model in three different parts so that it is a buildable model. I printed the Psyche spacecraft on a Makerbot 3rd Generation printer and the material is PLA plastic. The model of the spacecraft is to scale and includes the body of the spacecraft and the two solar panels.

Download and print the file from Thingiverse.

Psyche Inspired

Learn more about the Psyche Inspired program and view other works


Psyche Inspired