Landing System for Hypothesized Surfaces – UGA – C
University of Georgia (UGA)
Iridium Class (2024 – 2025)
The NASA Psyche mission is an orbiter mission to the metal-rich asteroid, Psyche, in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The spacecraft, which launched in October 2023 and will arrive at the asteroid in mid-2029, will study the asteroid from orbit and will not land on the surface. It is possible to imagine, however, that after learning about Psyche from orbit, there may be scientists and engineers interested in proposing a future mission to land on the asteroid. Designing to the range of hypothesized surfaces and terrain that might be found at Psyche, which have been laid out in recent scientific reports (and keeping in mind other constraints such as its gravity), the team will design a landing system capable of safely landing on Psyche. Hypothesized surfaces and terrain may include: mostly flat metallic surface, flat metallic with metal and/or rocky debris, rough/high-relief metallic and/or rocky terrain, high-relief metallic crater walls.